Doi Pangkhon Washed
Regular price $16.00
It’s back, and even better than last year!
For the second year (with many more to come), we’re lucky enough to be able to feature something that highlights a lot of the incredibly hard work that the Thai coffee industry is doing in advancing the quality of Thai coffee. Thailand represents a region with incredibly fortuitous conditions for growing coffee, and in the mountains alongside the northern city of Chiang Mai, the lush forests provide the perfect canopy under which this incredible plant can flourish. Tending to these plants are members of the Akha hill tribe (as well as members of other neighboring hill tribes), who make up many of the inhabitants of tiny villages dotting the mountainside such as Doi Pangkhon.
In Doi Pangkhon, our good friends Fuadi Pitsuwan and Ata Meecheku have been working for years with around 30 or so farmers to improve the quality of Thai coffee, and show the world that there is an incredible potential that exists when everybody works together. There’s no understating the importance of washed-lot coffees in the specialty coffee portion of the Thai coffee industry. It helps provide the opportunity for a lot of these farmers to scale their production to numbers allowing them to export the coffee to incredibly grateful roasters like us. And scaling means more jobs being created and more families being supported, which means everybody gets better together! So when you try this wonderful washed coffee and taste all the love put into it, think about all the incredible work by all of our coffee friends like Fuadi, Paul, Lee, Miguel, Ata, and everybody else!
Region: Doi Pangkhon, Chiang Rai
Producer: Meecheku Family
Varietal: Chiang Mai, Catuai, Typica
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1250-1500m
Notes: Clementine, Jasmine, Vanilla
Weight: 12oz / 340g